Use the Powershell cmdlet Set-Mailbox to check email aliases assigned to Office 365 accounts, add aliases or remove aliases. Additionally the handy form underneath will generate the correct Powershell commands for you.
Check current email aliases assigned to an Office 365 account:
Get-Mailbox mailboxName | select -ExpandProperty emailaddresses | Select-String -Pattern "smtp"
Add an email alias to an Office 365 account:
Set-Mailbox mailboxName -EmailAddresses @{Add=''}
Remove an email alias from an Office 365 account:
Set-Mailbox MailboxName -EmailAddresses @{Remove=’’}
Or you can just use the form below and the required Powershell will be generated for you….
Now that you have got multiple email aliases, here is how to configure Outloook so that you can send from an alias.
Luke says
I would just like to know how you built this input/output area for the commands on this page. I want to create something like this on my SharePoint site for quick reference and deployment. If you could communicate directly via email that would be greatly appreciated.
Paulie says
It’s just a bit of jQuery – you can copy the source right off this page.
Pablo says
The recipe is missing something, maybe it’s obvious for people used to PowerShell but it was not for me; For this to work I had to do this first, in the PS prompt:
Install-Module MSOnline
Import-Module MSOnline
Chidiebere Ohiri says
This cmdlet is not working. Next time, give an instance of how the cmdlet should be composed using dummy emails.