When working with long numbers, they are much easier to read with the thousand separators included. The Powershell format operator makes it simple.
$Number = 2109999.86 '{0:N0}' -f $Number '{0:N2}' -f $Number
Produces the following output:
As you can see from the above, the first example produces a whole number with no decimal places, and the second one includes two decimal places.
In practice, when I needed to do this, the number provided to me was actually a string read from a CSV File, so although you can use the format operator, it won’t do anything:
The string needs to be cast as a number before you can use the format operator in this way:
$StringNumber = "10456.21" $($StringNumber -as [decimal]).ToString('N2')
Produces a number with separators:
You can use the format operator for all sorts of things. You might like this post on how to format leading zeros with the format operator.
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