If you need to format a number in Powershell to include leading zeros, so that the length is always a fixed width, it is easy to do with Powershell format operator.
I was working with some data that stored dates as single digits for those days and months that only contained a single digit. For example I needed “1/1/2019” to be “01/01/2019”.
Using the powershell “-f” operator it is easy to add the leading zeros. For example:
PS C:\> "{0:d2}/{1:d2}/{2:d4}" -f 1,1,2019 01/01/2019
You can easily wrap this in a loop like this:
foreach ($months in @(1..12)) { $Month = "{0:d2}" -f $months foreach ($days in @(1..31)) { $Day = "{0:d2}" -f $days $ArchiveFolder = "D:\Archive\PDF19$month$day" Write-Host $ArchiveFolder } }
[…] pad with VBScript. But these small functions make it simple. I’ve also written up how to do padding with Powershell, which makes things much […]