I was working on a machine that was unable to see a number of files within a completely standard Windows Server Share. The machine was running Windows 7 64-Bit. Other clients were able to see the files and the same user logged into a different machine worked fine.
I checked the permissions and a number of other things, but nothing seemed to make the missing files appear.
Eventually I figured out that the problem was caused by SMB client side caching as explained here at Microsoft. Once I disabled SMB Client side caching the missing files appeared.
How to disable SMB2 Client Side Caching
- Open registry editor (Windows Key +R, Type in regedit and click OK).
- In Registry Editor navigate to and select:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters - From the Edit menu, click new, thenĀ DWORD (32-bit) Value
- Name the new DWORD DirectoryCacheLifetime
- Leave the default value of zero unchanged.
- Reboot the machine.
If you prefer, simply download this DisableSMB2ClientCache.Reg file and apply it to your machine.
Zen says
Thank you. You saved me hours.